This consists of an open source content management system, easy to use and which can be integrated to other technological management modules existing in the Institution.
It allows one to create subject web page material, incorporate resources and links, as well as adding further functions.
The documentation and source-code for this software is available in the following address:
The British School 's Project runs within the framework of the Integra Project of the European Union, which has the objective of developing and improving the capacities of Latin American educational institutions , concerning the use and management of ICT's in different dimensions as applied to teaching and administration.
The Project was designe d on the basis of experiences in Europe and Latin America, and it is supported by the following organizations:

This project has been carried out thanks to the teamwork of the following individuals:
- Mary-Lyn Campbell - Whole School Coordinator (The British Schools) and Integra Project Leader
- Máximo Gurméndez- IT Applications Integrator (The British Schools) and Technologic Advisor
- Graham Gisby - Headmaster of the Senior School (The British Schools)
- Gabriel Díaz - Headmaster of the Liceo (The British Schools) and Pedagogical Advisor
- David Rennie - Deputy Head of the Senior School (The British Schools)
- Raquel Filippini - Administrator (The British Schools) and Administrative Advisor
- Diego Cabrera - Programmer (The British Schools)
- Juan Pablo Rodríguez - Graphic Designer (The British Schools)
- Alberto Viana - Teacher (The British Schools) and Member of the Integra Project Evaluation Team
- Cecilia Avancini - Teacher (The British Schools) and Member of the Integra Project Evaluation Team
- Orlando Díaz - Teacher (The British Schools) and Member of the Integra Project Evaluation Team
- Adriana Normey - Librarian (The British Schools)
- and to all the Senior School teaching staff from The British Schools.
Ecademicus Webs is a module of Ecademicus Educational Management System that allows you to create a series of thematic webs that teachers can use to publish didactic and interactive content. It includes a web manager that enables you to:
· Create / Edit /Remove Webs
· Add links to a Web
· Create a calendar for a Web
· Add News for a Web
· Add Calendar Events for a Web
· Create Quizzes and download results in excel format.
· Create and edit web pages using FckEditor, a WYSIWYG editor
· Create and manage directories and sub-directories
· Access and Modify your files vía WebDav (using Microsoft Web Folders, for example)
· Search for texts in documents uploaded and web pages created.
Download ecademicus-webs
The main subject screen:

The Calendar:


Creating a Web Page:

Step 1:

Step 2:

Then you can browse through the uploaded files and web pages created:

Alternately you can use webdav to browse and update your files:

0. This project uses the following technologies. We recommend you are familiar with these before installing ecademicus:
· Apache Tomcat
· Apache Jakarta Slide
· Struts
· Hibernate
· Any JDBCcompliant Database Server (MySQL, SQLServer, Oracle,Postgres, etc)
1. Configure Jakarta’s Slide and Tomcat
(the tested and easiest way is to download the Slide-Tomcat bundle)
2. Add to tomcat’s server.xml the following contexts:
<Context path="/rep"
<Context docBase="C:/ecademicus/" path="/ecademicus"
reloadable="true" useNaming="true">
<ResourceLink global="jdbc/ecwebs" name="jdbc/ecwebs"
C:/ecademicus should be a folder in the server machine that has the contents of the WebContent folder of the distributable
Use the tomcat single-sign-on module to avoid login prompts:
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn" debug="0"/>
A database should be created using the SQL script in the section below, and a datasource named jdbc/ecwebs to a JDBC database:
<Resource name="UserDatabase" auth="Container"
description="User database that can be updated and saved">
<Resource name="jdbc/ecwebs" auth="Container" scope="Shareable" type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
<ResourceParams name="UserDatabase">
<ResourceParams name="jdbc/ecwebs">
<!-- Maximum number of dB connections in pool. Make sure you
configure your mysqld max_connections large enough to handle
all of your db connections. Set to 0 for no limit.
<!-- Maximum number of idle dB connections to retain in pool.
Set to -1 for no limit. See also the DBCP documentation on this
and the minEvictableIdleTimeMillis configuration parameter.
<!-- Maximum time to wait for a dB connection to become available
in ms, in this example 10 seconds. An Exception is thrown if
this timeout is exceeded. Set to -1 to wait indefinitely.
<!-- MySQL dB username and password for dB connections -->
It is configured for Microsoft MSDE, but it can be changed to other Database Servers by changing the above configuration and the file.
Users to the system are the slide users (using the SlideRealm). Similary, authentication is done using slide’s authentication scheme. This can be configured thoroughly (visit the slide site).
4. For this reason, the following files, that can be found in the WEB-INF/server/lib libraries need to be copied to the tomcat common/lib and server/lib respectively:
- EcadSlideRealm_common.jar
- EcadSlideRealm_server.jar
CREATE TABLE Cte_LinksMateria (
cod_webmateria nvarchar (50) NOT NULL ,
etitulo varchar (200) NULL ,
url varchar (300) NULL
CREATE TABLE Cte_Plugins (
cod_plugin varchar (16) NOT NULL ,
enombre varchar (100) NULL ,
ecomando varchar (200) NULL ,
comando_key varchar (50) NULL
CREATE TABLE Cte_WebMateria (
cod_webmateria char (5) NOT NULL ,
nombre nvarchar (40) NULL ,
nature ntext NULL ,
uri varchar (200) NULL ,
cod_foro int NULL ,
cssfile varchar (50) NULL ,
imagefolder varchar (50) NULL
CREATE TABLE Cte_mapadmwebs (
cod_webmateria nvarchar (10) NOT NULL ,
cod_actor nvarchar (20) NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE Cte_respuestasQuiz (
code nvarchar (30) NOT NULL ,
cod_alumno nvarchar (25) NOT NULL ,
num_pregunta int NOT NULL ,
fecha_mod datetime NOT NULL ,
opcion nvarchar (25) NULL
CREATE TABLE cte_news (
code int IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
calendarFrom datetime NULL ,
calendarTo datetime NULL ,
from datetime NULL ,
to datetime NULL ,
uploadActor varchar (50) NULL ,
url varchar (100) NULL ,
when varchar (50) NULL ,
title char (100) NULL ,
cod_webmateria varchar (50) NULL ,
calendar bit NULL ,
descrip varchar (400) NULL
CREATE TABLE cte_numeradores (
id_numerador nvarchar (8) NOT NULL ,
valor int NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE Cte_LinksMateria ADD
ALTER TABLE Cte_mapadmwebs ADD
INSERT INTO Cte_Plugins(cod_plugin, enombre, ecomando, comando_key)
VALUES('quiz','Quiz','Create Quiz,''plugins.quiz.createQuiz')
Los plugins tienen el propósito de brindar flexibilidad a los servicios de navegación del repositorio, sin tener que afectar la aplicación. Ejemplos de plugins pueden ser: creación de quizes, formularios, galerías de fotos, plantillas de desarrollo de cursos.
Componentes de plugins:
Todo plugin tiene
- Código (ej. "quiz")
- Nombre (ej. Creador de Quiz)
- Comando (ej. "Crear un quiz aquí")
- Comando_key (ej. clave internacional del comando)
- Servicios:
- Creator (ej. página que permite crear el quiz)
- Renderer (ej. página que permite visualizar el quiz
- Destructor (ej. página que permite eliminar el quiz
Implementación de plugins.
Para crear un plugin se necesita:
- Agregar una tupla a la tabla cte_plugins (mediante la consola) con los datos correspondientes. Crear una carpeta
- Crear una carpeta en la web /subject/plug-ins/codplugin donde codplugin es el código del plugin.
- Implementar en esa carpeta al menos los siguientes jsps:
- Opcionalmente podrá usar clases en el paquete edu.ecademicus.subject.plugins.codplugin para incluir clases auxiliares.
Creator JSP
El archivo creator.jsp recibirá un parámetro con el uri de la carpeta en donde se quiere crear el archivo plugin.
El creador deberá generar un archivo .xmp (en la carpeta indicada) con el siguiente formato:
<plugin name="gallery">
<tag name="author" value="mgurmendez"/>
[Aquí va el contenido específico a cada plugin]
Nota: La Metadata es opcional. Lo único verdaderamente esencial es el atributo name del plugin.
Renderer JSP
renderer.jsp recibe como parámetro el uri del archivo .xmp y debe mostrar este archivo según el propósito que se desea lograr.
Destructor JSP
destructor.jsp recibe como parámetro el uri del archivo .xmp y elimina ese archivo junto con los archivos auxiliares que usara y las modificaciones en la base que se hubieran generado.
Invocación de servicios
En la navegación de las carpetas en el ecademicus subject module, cuando se encuentra un archivo xmp, el link que se mostrará no es el acceso al archivos xmp sino al renderer del correspondiente plugin pasándole el uri del archivo xmp.
En la opción de administración de carpetas (manage) se muestra una lista de todos los plugins disponibles con el link hacia el creator.jsp?uri=XXX donde XXX es el path al archivo xmp.
En el borrado de archivos, se invoca al destructor.jsp con el uri del archivo xmp. Nota: Este debará borrar el archivo.